Sleeptronic®, PostureGel® and Guest-O-Pedic®
- the brands covered in depth on this site - are three of many mattress brands manufactured
by Sleeptronic. In addition to manufacturing product lines under our portfolio
of brands, many mattress companies trust Sleeptronic to build mattresses and
foundations with
their name on the
outside. These custom contract manufactured mattresses, along with mattresses
marketed under the brands we own, are sold both online and through traditional
brick and mortar retail.
Sleeptronic® manufactures both flat-packed
and mattresses that are
roll-packed and boxed - right here in the United States in Ft. Worth, Texas.
This centralized manufacturing location is ideal for shipping across the United
States, or internationally through the ports of Houston or New Orleans. Our
industry-recognized commitment to quality and outstanding customer service help
drive the demand for contract manufacturing services. A state of the art
200,000+ square foot manufacturing facility featuring the latest in mattress
manufacturing machinery and technology stands ready to produce for our contract
clients, on time and to their specifications.
Looking for a partner to help manufacture
and grow your brand? Seaching for a private label mattress supplier for your
chain of stores or distribution platform? Send an email t
o and we will get right back to you!
