Have you ever felt shortchanged by a single-sided mattress? Did your last mattress purchase leave you wanting more? Has a salesperson in a retail store told you that "no one makes two-sided mattresses anymore"?
Sleeptronic® offers the ideal solution for those who desire the classic versatility of a two-sided set, coupled with unparalleled luxury and dependable support. The Chiro Beauty® and Posture Choice® Collections from Sleeptronic® are two-sided collections that utilize our proprietary Can-Flip Construction Technology® in firm, plush and pillow top models.
If choosing between a single and double sided mattress, or just thinking about a two-sided set, here are some reasons to say yes to two-sided comfort and durability.
Twice the sleeping surface creates a more consistent comfort experience, better preserving the "feel" of a specific mattress model. 
Enjoy the fresh mattress feeling achieved from flipping the mattress to a different side every six months. Plus, if a double-sided mattress becomes soiled or torn – don’t worry, just flip the bed over. Now that’s something you can’t do with a single-sided mattress!
Two-sided mattresses extend the useful life of the mattress by utilizing longer wearing and more durable construction techniques and components, maximizing your bedding investment. Turning and flipping the mattress quarterly spreads the normal wear and tear over two sides, versus concentrating it on one side. Classic and time-proven construction techniques utilized in double-sided mattress manufacturing remove a lot of the body impression and sagging worries associated with new technology.
A broad selection of models found in the Posture Choice® collection represent classic two-sided mattress construction at its most pure - no frills or fuss - just great support. The Chiro Beauty® collection adds updated features like Six Way Foam Encasement® and PostureGel® Gel Visco comfort layers to:
- increase the effective sleeping surface of the mattress,
- prevent that falling out of bed feeling associated with sleeping too close to the edge, and to:
- provide pressure relieving, conforming comfort.
Both collections feature desirable and distinct choices that promote deep and restful Sleep - Engineered by Sleeptronic
®. To learn more about the features and benefits found in these double-sided mattress collections, click on the collection logos appearing above.
